It’s Blossom Time For The Basswood Trees Here In Port Loring

Well folks it is blossom time for the Basswood trees here in our area in Port Loring Ontario.  Or some would call them Linden trees.  Our tree out back is loaded this year so will be out harvesting the blossoms and the two long straight leaves that grows around the blossoms. There is no better cold medicine in the world than these little feller’s and in my mind every one that has a tree near by should be doing as I am.  You can not miss them as you can smell them a mile away, sweet just to nice to put into words.  Thought I would let you know, this is the time to get out there before they fall to the ground. The small narrow leaves are for fever they promote sweat which gets rid of the fever. The blossoms are for the cold itself or as my wife calls the yukies.  I am not just saying this it is true, tested for years in all countries in the world. Taken at first signs of a cold or flu one will never have to deal with one.    Enjoy.

2 thoughts on “It’s Blossom Time For The Basswood Trees Here In Port Loring”

  1. Looking for a book on the region of Port Loring / Loring and the lumbering that went on back then and types of trees.
    We own some acres near Northern Lights on Little Long and want to get some native tress planted but various sources say Tamarack were the native species. Can you help?

    1. Good Morning Wayne. Sorry for not getting back to you been so busy around here haven’t had a chance to get back to folks. I don’t know of any books on lumbering of years ago. I do have a few pictures of the slues they used and also have been out to look at a few. There also are quite a few old wells that arrives from natural springs around our area. Seen a few of them too. Of course they haven’t been used in years. The Tamarack are native to our district. Great trees with lots of medicinal values. Oils can be made from the needles early in the spring along with the bark. Thanks for saying hello. George Walters

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