Milk Weed is Out In Blossom Here In Port Loring

Milk weed has been around for years and has a wide range of uses if one chooses to go natural. For one thing the Monarch butterflies just love them and if your interested having them near or around your home this is the plant or herb some call them, to plant.  One great use is the white  milk that comes from them when broken, removes warts, moles and things like that.  Great plant for sure.  Eating them are not recommended any more, as more evidence has proved them not safe to eat.  Myself I think they taste bitter and best left alone on the eating side.  They sure do smell nice when out in bloom though,  which they are now here in Port Loring.  So make sure when you are passing by one or two, to take a second and give them a smell.  You will be glad you did. Click Picture To Enlarge

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