Good morning. Well looks like we might be having some not so nice weather here in Port Loring for the next day or so. With temperatures dropping and weather changing from Fall to Winter it’s that time of year again. There is a weather alert out there today so one should take extra care if traveling anywhere. For ice I find that if things gets really bad and your on the road traveling and your car is slipping and sliding all over the place., don’t get upset, ease one tire onto the gravel side of the road, just a touch and drive slow. I have driven home many a night safe this way. This morning the barometer is holding steady at 29:18 in Hg. Winds are from the North West and calm. Temperature is going to reach 33 °f and then drop to 31 °flater on tonight. Not a real cold day. Them moon will Rise: 11:17 AM & Set: 9:35 PM. It will be Overhead: 4:23 PM & Underfoot: 3:57 AM.
Moon Phase today is 24% Waxing Crescent.
The sun is up there, just behind a few clouds. It rose this morning at 7:37 AM and will
Set at 4:36 PM, giving us 8 hrs. 59 minutes of daylight here in Port Loring today.
For those that are still hunting, the old weather stick says the best times to be out there will be from 11:17 AM – 12:17 PM then again from 4:23 PM – 6:23 PM. Take extra care while out there today my friends with it being slippery and all. Don’t need anyone getting hurt out there.
News For Port Loring?
Well as I said earlier there is a winter storm watch in effect for our district. Also for those that have any events, birthdays, anniversaries, business’s with sales, resorts with specials, or what ever and would like them to be put in the news paper free of charge once a month, send them to me here at [email protected] As of January first I will be doing a News Column in a local newspaper for our town. To make sure that I can get it into my column have all items into me about the middle of each month. Thanks. I will also add them to our Blog and Events Calendar on our web site. Have a great day and stay safe.