Good morning. Well got a few flurries coming down on us here this morning. Should see a bit more with some sunshine later on if my calculations are right. Daytime temperature is going to reach 28 °f and then drop to 6 °f later on tonight. Barometer is sitting at 29.03 in Hg and slowly rising was in a holding pattern. I did see a haze around the moon last night so knew we were in for some snow today, good sign to look for if your interested in what the next days weather is going to be. Winds today are from the North East coming in at 5 MPH gusts a touch higher. The moon will rise today at 9:28 PM and then set at 8:23 AM. It will be Overhead at 2:25 AM and Underfoot at 2:50 PM. Moon Phase today is
90% Waning Gibbous. The sun got out of bed this morning at 7:29 AM and will set at 5:37 PM, giving us 10 hrs. 08 mins. of daylight here in good old Port Loring. For those that love fishing the best time to be out there will be from 3:00 PM till 5:00 PM
News For Port Loring Ontario
Thought I would mention here, as I have had a few folks ask. That the weather forecast I am giving you isn’t taken from the Government Web Site, or any other outside location. What you are seeing is weather data taken and given to you directly from my own personal weather station, right here in Port Loring. So what you are getting is accurate weather statistics as it happens, along with a 24 Hour Daily Prediction of what’s to come. Along with that the fishing times are figured out through moon placement in the sky, weather data, barometer readings, pressure readings, temperature, winds and many, many more items thrown in. All put together, along with the old weather stick that is on the side of our shop, I then have a formula given to me by my old Grandfather, that lets me know when the best fishing times and hunting times will occur. Each an every morning I sit here by the old computer, take all the data put together my forecasts and then send them along to you. Also should say, not one cent is made from this, it is all done for free. Kind of my way of helping our community. So there you go for those that were wondering how things were done at this end. Have a great day my friends and get outside and get some fresh air into them lungs today. Headin’ out there in a bit myself, just going to enjoy another tea then see where the day leads me.