Good morning. Well today will be mainly cloudy with a shower. Highs will reach 50°f with a Lo 36°f tonight. Then things turn around and sunny weather is in the forecast for the next week with nice warm temperatures. Barometer is holding steady this morning at 28.85, should start moving in an upward motion later on today. Winds are from the North East at around 3 MPH. Moon Phase today 83% Waning.Gibbous. The sun rose this morning behind some clouds at 5:53 AM and will set at 8:37 PM, giving us here in Port Loring, 14 hrs. 44 mins. of daylight. The old weather stick says the best times to be out there fishing today will be from 9:00 AM & 1:00 AM and then again from 5:00 PM till 6:00 PM.
News For Port Loring
Well the old black flies are officially back with us for another season. Should last for around three or four weeks if things goes to plan. Then again, Mother Nature has her own set of rules and being the lady she is, she changes her mind every so often.. So all we can do is take what she hands us, an smile. The mosquito’s are still holding off, but once it warms up, they will awaken and add their presence to our days through out the summer. Well tea time here and will get to doing some shop work for a change, been enjoying the sunshine for the past few days. Enjoy your day my friends, know I will.