News, Weather & Fishing Times For Port Loring Ontario

Good morning.  Well got busy yesterday and plum forgot about adding things here to the Blog till it was to late.  Any rate, today we will see lots of  sunshine. High 69F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Tonight it will be clear to partly cloudy. Low 48F. Winds light and variable.  Barometer has been rising through the night an at the moment it is sitting at 29.29 in Hg.  The moon will rise at 1:55 AM and then set at 3:42 PM.  Moon Phase today is; Solunar Table Moon Phase is 29% percent waning crescent  29%  Waning  Crescent. The sun woke this morning at. 5:28 AM & will set at
9:10 PM; giving us here in Port Loring; 15 hrs. 42 mins. of daylight.  For those wanting to do some fishing the old weather stick says the best times to be out there today, will be from; 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM.  Then from; 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM.

News For Port Loring

Well folks are opening up their cottages around the area. Lots dropping by to our small store and saying hello and picking up their items of choice.  Great to see so many after a long winter.  Still working on this boat I got a few weeks ago.  Put a new cedar floor in the old girl and have to say she looks mighty fine.  Today it will be building a back seat for it, along with adding a new winch on the front, as the old electric one has seen its better days.  So still lots to do, but it’s coming along.  Bug report; Well….have to say that I haven’t seen hardly any black flies for the past few days.  So no one should be complaining about them this year.  Mosquitoes and horse flies are around, but not to bad either.  There are also a few deer flies making an appearance, whom I don’t really care for, as they can sure bite. Mostly though they just bug a feller or gal, by swarming around your head. If you stop though and wait till they land, you can easily kill them with a good swat.  So there you go.  Think I will go and have a cup or tea or two and soak up some of that sunshine and breath in some of that fresh northern air.  Have a great day!!!

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