One more; Here is a invoice dated back in years to; 1933. Quite interesting I thought, shows what they called some clothing items and what they would have cost. Some I have heard of, [Showing My Age} some I haven’t. The receipt in itself is interesting too. For myself I can just visualize what would have been going through the owners mind that day on receiving the goods. ( Hmm, Now where will I hang them?) (Sure hope our sales are up this month as we don’t want these articles sitting around the store taking up space.”) (That wife of mine is always ordering things.) Also notice the Quantity and how they explained it back then. If this doesn’t get you to thinking, well… I guess your not interested in what once was. For those that are though; Enjoy as you are brought back to a simpler time. April 21st.——1933. Click article to enlarge.