Good Morning. Well today will be partly cloudy with some sunshine. High 37F. Winds will be light from the North East. Cool Wind. Tonight cloudy skies will continue with a low near 30F. Winds will be light. Barometer has been rising through the night an is sitting at 29>51 in Hg. Temperatures when I got up at 6:99 AM was; 20 F. Thinking an extra vest is need for out in the bush today sitting on a run. For those wanting to do some hunting today the old weather stick says the best times to be out there will be from; 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM. Then again later on from; 3:20 PM – 5:30 PM. The moon will rise at; 11:06 AM
Set: 8:54 PM. Moon Phase today is; 20% Waxing Crescent. The sun will rise at; 7:22 AM and then set at 4:44 PM, giving us here in Port Loring Ontario; 9hrs. 22 mins. of daylight lost another 2 minutes.
News For Port Loring
Not much to report. Last day for our hunt today at the Booth’s Farm, so guess if we want a deer it has to be today. I have to say I have sure enjoyed hunting with them all and look forward to next year. Great friends and hunting buddies every one of them. Enjoy your day my friends.