Good morning. Well some high winds are upon us here in Port Loring this morning. Also some heavy rain though the night and on and off this morning. For all your weather information you can click here…
For those of you wanting to do some hunting in spite of the not so good day, the old weather stick says the best times to be out there will be from…10:00 AM and 12:00 PM then again from…4:00 PM – 5:30 PM.
News For Port Loring
Good day to be inside. Good ting about the not so good weather is it isn’t cold outside. Not so good for hunting season which is closing in on us for Monday morning. But one never really knows, all depends on how the deer are feeling on these days. If hungry or in need of getting rid of some energy they will be up and about. Myself I will be heading out with the Booth Family and will hunt for the week. Things goes right will put some meat in the freezer for winter. I have to say I enjoy going out with Kerry and his family and friends, nice folks and great to hunt with. Lots of laughs and well…just great company. Looking forward to it. Enjoy your day my friends.