Well looking like a nice day heading our way. Could see a few flurries but nothing to be concerned about. At least not for our area. For all your weather information click here…http://www.loringlsb.ca/weather-station/
For those of you that want to do some hunting today the old weather stick says the best time to be out there will be from….11:30 AM – 1:00 PM then again from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
News For Port Loring
I spoke on medicinal plants and things at the Horticultural society here in town last night. Had a good turn out and I have to say my wife and I really enjoyed the whole evening. Thanks for the invite. Hunting is going well this year so far. Got two really nice Bucks hanging and almost one more yesterday. I say almost as Randy got close. So will see how things goes today, heading out in a few minutes. Stay safe if your out there and enjoy the day. GW.