Port Loring Ontario, News, Weather & Fishing Info

Good morning.  Well a bit cloudy here this morning.  Had a few showers through the night no accumulations to speak of. Temperatures waking up were sitting at…17.7 C | 63.86 F.

Forecast For Today:    Fairly fine, possible showers early to start things off.  Should see some sunshine a bit later as things progress’s.  Hope so as we sure need it.

Bug Report:  Well…the more things change, the more they remain the same.  Mosquitoes are still with us and this damp weather won’t help any to reduce their population.  Few deerflies hanging around irritating folks but all and all not so bad.

Fishing Times:  This morning the old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there with hook in water will be from…9:30 AM –  11:30 AM.  Then once again a bit later from 2:30 PM -6:00 PM.  I give it a 2 fish rating for catching them out of 4.  Data right at this time is changing as I type and it is quite possible that later on the chances of catching them could raise to 3 out of 4.  Lure of the day I would recommend a nice bright one like in the picture.  Doesn’t have to be the exact kind but should be one made for shallow diving.  Click Picture to enlarge and good luck.Green Bomber Long A


Around Town:   Quiet here in Port Loring this morning.    My gardens though are really putting on a show this year and I would have to say it is the best of the best this year, for growing things. My lovely wife has been steadily drying herbs for Fall and got jars loaded to the hilt.  So will be eating healthy in that department let me tell you.  The house sure smells nice with her drying them.  Also one has to take into account the money one saves by growing their own, not to forget the quality.  I priced a few of the herbs like oregano, sage, basil and some others in the grocery store and I was shocked to see that they were charging, anywhere from  $3:00 – $5.00 for a small bunch.  Prices of things have sure risen over the years to say the least.  Main reason being that Canada..for most parts has become less self efficient.  Once, one of the largest producing countries of their very own vegetables, now rely on other countries.  We fell victim to the money seekers, where as subdivisions and factories built on our prime land, was more important than looking after ones health and needs.  To bad,  as it never can be brought back to what once was.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.
For Those That Would Like To Get In Touch With Me, You Can reach me at;
[email protected]

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