Good Morning: Well sunny morning here. A touch cool but not so bad. Temperatures waking up were sitting at…10.5 C | 50.9 F.
Forecast For Port Loring: Fairly fine, possible showers early. Tomorrow and Friday should be nice and sunny. So some nice looking weather ahead for a couple days.
Bug Report: None to report, things are all good in that department.
Fishing Times; This morning the old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there will be from 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM. Then once again a bit later from..2:30 PM – 4:00 PM.
Around Town: Not to much to report here this morning. Lots of construction happening with roads being done up before the snow is upon us. Stores have slowed down some with sales which is to be expected. Our small gallery is still doing well with orders coming in daily and the wife’s paintings making an impression on folks along with sales. On another note the vegetable gardens will be in need of cleaning up soon once the first big frost hits our area. So far we have been lucky for most parts. Cooler weather though does slow down most items. Spinach, Kale and Celery like the cool weather though, so they will hold on for a few more weeks an even longer if you cover them at nights to protect them from the frost. Tomatoes also will hold their own if covered. Mine are pretty well done for the season, but I will say they outdid themselves this year for quality and quantity. With the weather being so cold and wet all summer we had an ample supply of everything in our gardens. So no complaints. Today I will be picking the rest of our corn and then digging out the stalks which the wife use for decoration around our grounds. Sure looks nice when all said an done. Nothing goes to wast. So my friends, enjoy your day, try your best to soak up some of that sunshine for the next couple days, as it will maintain your health into the coming winter and then some.
In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.
For Those That Would Like To Get In Touch With Me, You Can reach me at;
[email protected]