Good Morning: Cool morning out there starting off. Temperatures waking up were sitting at…-0.6 C | 30.92 F.
Forecast For Today: Possible showers early then partly sunny, breezy and warmer, then pleasant this afternoon.
Bug Report: Most all now are gone for the year.
Fishing Times: Well in spite of the cold the old weather stick is saying that the best time to be out there fishing…if you so desire will be from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. I give it a 2 fish rating out of 4 for catching them today. Might pay to bring a coat along with ya this morning. This afternoon though should be quite nice.
Around Town: Well the norm in our area it seems for this time of year is quiet. Not hardly a car moving up and down highway 522. Or a truck for that matter, so thinking most road work is about finished in our area with a few exceptions. Yesterday I had an inside urge to get my vegetable garden cleaned out and was glad I did. With this frost this morning it would have been one mess. So pays to pay attention to ones inner feelings. Myself though I have entertained those feelings most my life which in turn has saved me a lot of grief. My old Dad had a saying that if one went with his own thoughts and feelings ones life would be quite successful. The only time problems arise is if you go with others thinking. I found that to be true. So my friends you have a great day and after lunch when things warm up some, try and get out and soak up some sunshine, which the old body loves.