Information Port Loring Ontario June 13/2016

Good Morning:  Been quite busy around the old house here the past week or so. So busy I haven’t had time to be sitting in front of this screen. Seems lots has to be done come spring getting ready for tourists along with caring for our gardens and things. Great time of year though with no complaints.  Also our small store has had a steady stream of customers so far this year picking up items of choice. Health is good, sun is looking down and warm temperatures are heading our way. Thinking some front porch sittin’ is in order. Enjoy your day.

Weather Forecast: Cloudy and warmer with a bit of sunshine. Will see more sun with warmer temperatures tomorrow.

Rain Accumulations:  No Rain Overnight.

Bug Report: Black Flies are pretty well gone for most areas. Mosquitoes are now entering into the picture which will stay with us till fall.

Fishing Report:  Today the old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there will be from 7:29 AM – 10:29 AM. Then once again, later from 1:33 PM – 3:33 PM. I give it a 3 fish rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Highway Report:  Highway 522 is bare and dry.  Great day to do some traveling.

Todays Currency:

USA 1.2772159147

Canada 0.7829529749

Rises at 2:33 PM with 11:57 of moonlight, then sets at 2:30 AM

Rises at 5:29 AM with 15:43 of sunlight, then sets at 9:12 PM

Time to light the camp fire: 7:12 PM

Contact Information:  [email protected]


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