Cloudy waking up, but we should see some sunshine after a bit. Tomorrow will be cloudy and then rain for a couple more days before the crappy weather is behind us. Then all we have to deal with is the black flies and skeeters. After that though we should be good for a month or two. I hope we don’t have the heat we did last year with the forest fires all around us. Highway 522 is bare and dry, so travelling should be a go for the long weekend. If asked I would have made the long weekend in May alongside the US, as it is a bit later, which usually makes for better weather But, our powers that be, choose what they want, not asking the people. Only in Canada. Temperatures waking up were sitting at 7.1 C | 44.78 F On another note the Finches are back, I noticed hundreds at my bird feeder yesterday, so I brought out the finch feeder and filled it with NIGER Seeds I am thinking I might have to buy another bag, as I found that once it dries out they don’t like it as much. So if you have some, and they don’t seem to be eating it, you know why. With that, I am off for my morning coffee. Just seems I need it to start things off. Either before I have breakfast or after. Doesn’t really matter, other than if I have it after, I tend to take things easy a bit longer LOL. Which, is okay. Have a great day. GW