Good Morning

Cloudy morning here in Port Loring Ontario Canada. Temperatures were sitting at 12.1 C | 53.78 F Clouds should break and let some sunshine through later on. I hope so. We have had enough of the cold and wet. It’s starting to take a toll on the old bones. Might have to move to Arizona. LOL Highway 52 is good throughout so travelling will be good for those wanting to head off to town. My wife and I have gotten our small gift shop ready to open so one more thing off the list of things to do. I now have to focus on piling firewood. It needs to be put where the sun and wind can dry it over summer. That is if we ever get rid of this rainy weather. Today we will have sunshine but then back to rain for Saturday. The long range this year doesn’t look as hot as it was last year. But you never know. Nature does what it wants, not what we want. We can predict things but in reality what is happening here on earth has happened before and will happen again years down the road. With that I am off for some pancakes and a coffee. GW

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