Morning Report

We did have some sunshine waking up here in Port Loring Ontario Canada. But it has clouded up since then. Temperatures were sitting at 18.9 C | 66.02 F. Today and tomorrow there is a chance of a thunderstorm and for most parts I suspect it will be partially cloudy. But who really knows what Mother Nature is going to do. We could use some more rain for the gardens. The tourists won’t like the rain I am sure. Yesterday we had a fair day at our store taking a couple small orders, and made some sales, so today I will get busy working on them. Should be nice out there with the clouds moving in. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee. Have a great day.

Fishing Times


Good Times
10:00 AM-2:00 PM

Slower Times
6:00 PM-8:00 PM

Today fishing will be touch and go. I give it a 1 star rating out of 5 this morning and a 2 star rating out of 5 for this afternoon. Winds are coming in from the South East. If the winds change direction to the south or west fishing will improve. Good Luck!

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