Morning Report

Finally, we are getting some rain here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. I was going to go for a walk but decided against it, which turns out was a good thing. Although my old Dad used to say when it rained and I got wet. “George … you have to learn how to walk between the drops.” I tried, but seems I always got wet for some reason. Maybe I wasn’t doing it right. Anyways it did cool down a touch through the night which made it nice for sleeping. Temperatures waking up were sitting at 18.7 C | 65.66 F. The rain will continue for a while and once it has it out of its system we might see some sunshine. Today I think I will work here on my computer, I have some stories to write up for different papers and magazines. Could say I will take a day off the physical work, and add a day of mental work. It’s actually a good combination to be doing, as keeping the mind active is a good thing. Saves a whole mess of problems down the road away. Not that I am getting old mind ya. LOL. On another note, this rain is making my vegetable garden happy. I thought I seen a grin on a couple of my tomatoes a few minutes ago looking out. Also, I got my rain barrel filled up with some nice soft water for future use. So what some see as a bad day, in reality is a good day. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife. Have a great day.

Fishing Report


Major Times
9:00 AM-11:00 AM

Minor Times

3:00PM-5:00 PM

Today it won’t be the greatest for fishing with the rain we are having and the wind coming in from the North West. If it eases off it might pick up a bit, but I am thinking it is a good day to stay home. I give it a 2 Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good luck and stay safe. Better yet stay dry.

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