It’s a cloudy cold morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. Temperatures at the time of this post were sitting at -7.4 C | 18.68 F. It won’t get much warmer today and tonight will be even colder. Tomorrow we could see some more snow and into Sunday. Just what we need. But it is that time of year, and we do live in the north. We made the decision to live here. LOL Highway 522 is bare with a few icy sections throughout. Yesterday I got a few things done up in the basement and today I will write up a story or two for my columns and magazines. It’s the kind of day that I don’t mind staying in where it is warm. With that I am off to put some more wood in the furnace. The nice thing is my wood is in the basement nice and dry, along with my furnace, so no going out in the cold to stoke it. Then I will enjoy a coffee with my lovely wife. Have a good day.
Hunting Times
Major Times
9:00 AM-12:00 PM
Minor Times
3:00 PM-5:00 PM
This morning hunting will be a wee bit better. I give it a 4-Star Rating out of 5. Good Luck and stay safe.