Morning Report Jan 4/2020

Another cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. Temperatures were sitting at -1.4 C | 29.48 F. A bit cooler than yesterday, and it will get somewhat cooler tonight. Over night we didn’t have any snow and at this time most of our snow has left us. We could see a few flurries throughout the day though, but I don’t suspect much. But in this neck of the woods you never know. Highway 522 is bare and dry so travelling will be pretty good today. On another note I will head on outside in a bit to put down some wood ashes on my driveway I saved a pail. With all this mild weather and things melting, then freezing, my driveway is an icy mess. The ashes will stop us from slipping. I don’t put them up around the house where we come inside, as my wife frowns on that a wee bit, especially when I track things inside on her clean floors Ha ha. So in them areas I put down some salt. Not that the salt today does that much good. I am not sure what they put in it these days, as it sure doesn’t do much. With that I am off to put some wood in the furnace as being a touch cool I lit it up this morning. Then a cup of fresh coffee is in order, and do some chatting with my lovely wife. We are good at it. Have a good day. Oh and don’t forget to scroll down a bit here on the Blog and give a listen to the next Episode of …. Just One More Story. It’s called: The Lamp Post.

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