Morning Report January 14/2020

Another cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The good news is we didn’t have anymore snow overnight. On the ground now would be around 6 – 8 inches. Highway 522 is partially snow covered with some icy sections throughout. Care should be taken. Today will remain mostly cloudy with a few flurries thrown in for good measure. Temperatures waking up were a touch cool sitting at -12.3 C | 9.86 F. They will warm up as the progresses. Things will begin to get really cold on Thursday. But we are into the middle of January and coming up to February which is the coldest time of the year for us here in the north. Then nearing the end of February things start to warm up a touch. Myself I am ready for spring already. LOL With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee. If there is one thing I really enjoy in life, it is my coffee in the morning and around two in the afternoon. Have a good day.

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