Lots of clouds this morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. It will remain this way for most of the day. Temperatures have cooled down a wee bit. They were sitting at -2.8 C | 26.96 F getting out of bed. They will continue to fall for the next few days. So it will be back to burning wood for a while. On another note we didn’t have anymore snow overnight which is fine with me. Highway 522 is bare and damp throughout so travelling will be good. Actually after today we should see some sunshine for a few days. That will be nice and we humans are in need of some. Keeps us healthy. Or at the very least helps us stay healthy. It’s also a good idea to pull up a chair in front of a window when the sun is out, that is if it is too cold to go out. You loose a wee bit of it’s properties, but there is still lots your body takes in. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and will see what the day has in store. Every day is like opening a Christmas present. You never know what it might bring. Have a great day. GW