Morning Report April 8/2020

Good morning. I am hoping everyone is well. Trying times for sure. Ruth and I are fine so far. On another note it isn’t as cold as it was waking up with temperatures sitting at 4.8 C | 40.64 F. The only problem with this type of weather, is that the dampness makes things feel cold. It also plays havoc on the old bones making us older folks move a bit slower. What you see is what you get today weather wise. Tomorrow and the next day we could even see some light snow off and on. I am thinking cooler weather will be with us now for the next few days. It’s a new change of what is taking place in the world, as it struggles to come to grips with things. It’s not used to having things in a normal state. But … it will adjust. I just hope us humans have learned a lesson from all this other than the virus. They say there is good in everything. Today I will be doing some things here inside the house being that it is raining and cool. We could see a few breaks with some sunshine later on. Would be nice. Yesterday my lovely wife and I got lots done outside which got us some much needed fresh air. Highway 522 is bare and there has been a few new vehicles around town. I am hoping if they do come into our area they go directly to their cottages and stay there for a couple weeks. Doesn’t look that way at the moment though. Well … the only thing a person can do about it is to take extra precautions. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee, and will then take the day as it is given. Take care of yourselves. And one last thing. It is my recommendation, that everyone should start to wear a mask, even a good home made one out of cotton sheets … as I sincerely believe that they will be a great asset to what is happening. I also believe it should be a mask that can be taken off carefully, putting it into a bag, not touching it and pop it into the washing machine with some good detergent. Then it can be reused. Food for thought. GW

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