Good Morning! I hope you are all well. Looking outside things seem to be shaping up to be a really nice day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The sun is shinning and temperatures are sitting at 12.2 C | 53.96 F. It’s not as warm as some would like, but it’s still a nice day. It will warm up a bit as the day moves forward. There is a another chance of a shower later on this afternoon. But I don’t suspect it will amount to much. The rain we were suppose to get yesterday tracked north of us. Highway 522 is quiet this morning. So far. Yesterday my lovely wife and I managed to get our grass cut. I have to say it sure was long. But we managed and when all said and done it sure looks nice around here. I think I could sit outside and admire it all day. LOL Not bragging but it is a really nice piece of property we have. The wife says there isn’t one window that we look out that isn’t beautiful LOL. I have to agree with her. I also managed to hoe up around my tomatoes and things yesterday which will loosen the soil and allow the air to get to the roots, which will help things get to growing a wee bit better. Hoeing the garden is relaxing to me, takes my mind off things. Today I will work on another Podcast I have in mind. I got busy yesterday and didn’t have time to add this weeks. I will do that once I have finished this Morning Report. On another note the Black-flies are dwindling down somewhat. I am happy about that. The Mosquitoes aren’t as bad as they were there for a couple days. The sunny weather slows them down. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and will then see what mischief I can get into. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right. And remember … just because the governments are opening things up … doesn’t mean the virus isn’t with us anymore. It’s the same as it was in the beginning and with what is going on today with folks protesting and things, I am sure it will get worse before it gets better. Sometimes I don’t understand certain people. The only thing we got going for us is that most, say around 70% of the people know and are doing what is right. For the moment. Take care. GW