Morning report June 18/2020

Good Morning! Well … we are in the midst of another really nice day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The sun is shinning once again without a cloud in the sky. What can be better than that? Highway 522 is slow at the time of this post, but it is early. Things will pick up as the day moves forward being so close to the weekend. The grass is slowing down somewhat so mowing day will be a bit easier. The vegetable gardens are growing leaps and bounds with fresh lettuce being eaten every day. I planted some spiced lettuce this year for the first time to see how it tastes, and I have to tell you it is really tasty. We have been enjoy it a lot. You don’t taste the spice that much and the leaves are mostly like a baby spinach in type. So with that … I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife and will then see what I can get into. That’s the nice thing about slowing down in ones old age. I do what I want … when I want. Take care and stay safe. GW

George Walters Podcast’s

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