Morning Report June 22/2020

Good Morning!. We are in the midst of some clouds here this morning, in Port Loring Ontario Canada. There is a slight chance of some rain today later on. However it will remain warm for most of the day. Tomorrow things cool down with more rain or even a Thunderstorm in the forecast. Which is needed in our area. Highway 522 is kind of busy this morning with a few cars moving up and down the highway. Lots of trucks, so looks like construction is still going strong. Temperatures waking up at the time of this post was sitting at20.1 C | 68.18 F. The grass isn’t growing as fast these days so that makes things easier for my wife and I. Not that we really mind mowing, as it is exercise. The firewood we piled earlier with this heat is sure drying nice, which will be really nice to burn come winter. Although … we might not burn as much this year, using oil in its place. Seems every year our bodies get a touch tireder LOL But we will see how it goes. On another note, I did manage to get my mower fixed the other day. Took me most of the day removing the deck fixing things and installing it back on. How long will it last? Hard to tell, but this I know for sure. If it breaks down again I will be buying a new one. Can’t complain though as it is well over thirty years old. It would be very hard to find a new one today that would last that long. Today I will do some work in my shop as it is one heck of a mess. With painting decks, fixing things and me not putting things back where they are suppose to go …. well it needs some attention. The Black Flies have all but gone now, which makes us smile. The mosquitoes are still with us and this hot humid weather will keep them around for awhile longer. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, do some chatting and then get on with our day. Take care, stay safe and do what is right when it comes to this virus. GW

George Walters Podcast’s

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