morning Report July 8/2020

So how you all doing today? Good I hope. By the looks of things it is going to be another scorcher temperature wise, here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. And it will get even hotter tomorrow. So I would think it would be a good thing to find a cool spot for the next few days and relax. It doesn’t take much work to sap your energy with these temperatures. Waking up this morning temperatures were on the rise already sitting at 22 C | 71.6 F at the time of this post. The good part of this heat is that the grass has sure slowed down, which makes mowing day a lot better. Not that I mind mowing really, as it is nice to be outside getting fresh air and some exercise. Crazy year for sure. First the virus and then no end to the cold damp weather, then black-flies along with mosquitoes, and now this heat. We might live in the north, were everyone likes to visit, but it’s a challenge living here this year. But as I say, we are in the north and where anything and everything can happen. Highway 522 is still busy these days. We have been busy or should say my wife has been busy. We don’t have our store open this year because of the virus, but we are taking custom sign painting, or other painting orders … from a distance. Actually … this is the busiest year my wife has had. Locals along with out of town-ers are wanting her to do some paintings. Which helps us out a lot. So with that I am off for my morning cup of coffee once again with my lovely wife, and will then see what the day has in store. I defiantly will have to do some watering that’s for sure. Take care, stay safe, and do what’s right. GW

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