morning report July 11/2020

Good Morning! Finally we are having a reprieve from this heat here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada.. Waking up it is still quite humid with some showers. It will continue what it is doing now for most the day. We could even see a thunderstorm here and there as the day progresses. Tomorrow we will get back to some sunshine. Highway 522 is slow this morning, but it will pick up as the day progresses. On another note yesterday in-spite of the heat, I did manage to get my grass cut around the house. Took a bit of doing but it’s done for another week. After that I kind of took it easy. My fishing buddy Barry dropped by for a visit, and we had a cool drink while sitting in the shade. From a distance. LOL So all and all a pretty good day. Today being that it is raining, I will work away here on another podcast for next Friday. With that take care, and stay safe. GW

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