Morning report July 17/2020

Good Morning! Looking outside a nice day is about to be upon us. Temperatures will get hot though, as the day progresses. Waking up they were sitting at 17.7 C | 63.86 F. Highway 522 is quiet this morning, but it is early. Yesterday my wife and I went to North Bay to pick up a few things we ordered, visited our son in the parking lot, had lunch in our car and enjoyed the trip home. We did have a wee bit of rain on the way in, but for most parts, it was a good trip all way round. We did notice a lot more folks wearing masks, which is a good thing. Around our area, there are a few wearing them including us if out and about, but a lot aren’t. Now as we are entering Stage 3 everyone thinks things are almost back to normal. That is the furthest thing from the truth, as this virus is as every bit as bad as it was a few months ago. It’s patient and the folks that think they are invincible, I am afraid will learn a hard lesson. My opinion only of course. On another note the gardens are still growing leaps and bounds. I have to say, they never looked so good. I would suspect with all the lock-downs the air is much cleaner and the rains are more nourishing. Today my lovely wife and I will do some mowing once the grass dries a wee bit. Then maybe we will do some front porch sitting and relax. With that take care of yourselves and have a great day. GW

Fishing Times:

Major Times
10:00 AM-1:00 PM
Minor Times
6:00 PM- 8:00 PM

Fishing today once again won’t be the greatest. I give it a 2 Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Winds are coming in from the South West. Things will pick up tomorrow, and it should be a fantastic day for fishing. With that take care, stay safe and good Luck!!

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