Morning Report July 18/2020

Good Morning! It is looking like another really nice day is upon us here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The sun is shinning with temperatures sitting at 18.5 C | 65.3 F. We could see a thunderstorm later on this afternoon and into tomorrow. So … if you have things to do, it might pay to get them done this morning. Highway 522 is busy these days with lots of campers and things coming in and through our area. It is nice to see folks enjoying themselves, and I am alright with them doing what they are doing … as long as they do what is right, like wearing a mask, distancing and things like that. But a lot aren’t. That’s the not so good part. On another note my lovely wife and I did manage to get the grass cut yesterday so things are looking good around our home. We even had some time to do some front porch sittin’ which we will do once again today, until the rain starts. I have to say right now this is about as good as it gets, weather wise for our area. Mosquitoes and Black-flies are pretty well all gone. But there are some pesky deer and horse flies here and there. They can bite let me tell ya, and the worst part of them suckers is, they don’t leave you alone. But not much you can do about that. I also had a look at my cucumbers and Zucchini yesterday, and I am thinking there is one of each ready to eat, which we will have for lunch today. Lots more are about ready. Also our lettuce is growing leaps and bounds, but I will soon have to remove some kinds and plant new. Man it is the middle of July already. Time sure moves by fast these days. With that I am off to have my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right. GW

Fishing Times:

Major Times
11:00 AM-2:30 PM
Minor Times
6:00 PM- 9:00 PM

Fishing today will be quite good. By the looks of the old weather stick there should be no reason … not to catch a few today. Winds are coming in from the South West. Perfect!. Take care, stay safe and GOOD LUCK! GW

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