Morning Slice of life Sep 23/2020

Good Morning! The sun is shinning, but we here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada are in the midst of a lot of fog. Once it burns off, it should be a great day for doing just about anything outside. Temperatures will rise to near 23C/71F. Kind of like summer weather for a change. Highway 522 is busy with mostly locals moving around. There are a few campers and things moving up and down the highway. I should also mention that the leaves are sure looking nice this year with lots of colour. For the next week or so it would be a worthwhile trip around the area to take in what Mother Nature has to offer. After all, she is the best artist on the planet. Next to my lovely wife that is. LOL Yesterday I got a lot done in the cottage to be and today being so nice I will do some work on the outside of the building itself. That is … if my old back and hip allows me to. I must have hurt it a bit yesterday. Always something. LOL. On another note I did mange to get most of my large vegetable garden cleaned up for winter. Kind of sad to see all the vegetables gone for another year. I still have a few tomatoes for sandwiches left, which we are enjoying every day. I am sure going to miss them, as the ones you buy in the stores have no taste at all. But in saying that, my wife did do up a lot of preserves this year, which will be very tasty throughout the winter months. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife and will let the day unfold around me. You just never know these days what a day will entail. Take care and stay safe. The rates of infections these days are closing in on the 500 a day mark. Not good. GW

2 thoughts on “Morning Slice of life Sep 23/2020”

  1. George, I look forward to hearing your updates daily. I first visited Lake Memesagamesing in 1970 and try to get there at least once a year from Ohio. Its been a bit tough tolerating how we’ve been handling this pandemic here in the states but we definitely deserve the traveling restrictions in place. Please tell people there to learn from our mistakes.
    Stay safe and keep up with what you’re doing. Maybe a few colorful (colourful) pictures for us that can’t see the beauty of the Loring area this year. Take care, Joe

    1. Hi Joe. Nice to hear from you. Yep it sure isn’t nice with this virus going around that’s for sure. I feel bad that you couldn’t make it up this year. We did have a nice summer though weather wise. I will see about adding some pictures for you to look at in the coming days. That is if my wife gets her new camera as her old one gave up the ghost. It is being shipped now. I hope you and family are staying healthy. Ruth and I are fine so far. We aren’t going very far these days, other than picking up some groceries now and then in North Bay. We order online. We drive to town, and they bring it to our car for us. We have been doing that with a lot of things this summer. Can’t beat that. Stay safe my friend. GW

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