Good Morning! It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario Canada. The temperatures have risen considerably sitting at -2.5 C | 27.5 F this morning. I actually went for a walk this morning it being so nice. We could see about an inch of snow today and a bit more tonight. Highway 522 is bare and dry so far. Yesterday my wife and I went to North Bay to pick up our groceries and visit our son in his apartments parking lot. It was cold, so we didn’t chat to long. We chatted on the phone on the way home. LOL There is something to say about modern technology. Looking around … the Walmart parking lot as jammed pack with people doing everything they shouldn’t be doing. Not one person was standing outside waiting to get in, so that tells me they are all in the store. But it wasn’t just Walmart, all the stores were full of people too. I sometimes wonder where folks’ brains are located. At any rate, we will pay the price that is for certain. I heard that the folks that were cleaning up the Walmart in North Bay, after the fire came from the London area and five of them had the virus while working there, and visiting places in North Bay. So … that tells me we will be seeing more cases arise in the days ahead. After we picked up our groceries that were brought to our car, and seen our son for a few minutes, we headed on home. Actually, all in all, we had a great day. With that I am off for my morning cup of tea with my lovely wife, and will then let the day do as so chooses. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right.