Morning Chat Jan 25/2021

Good Morning! We are having another cloudy day starting things off here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. It’s possible that we might have a few sunny breaks off and on throughout the day. But for most parts it will remain cloudy with light flurries today and into tomorrow. After that we should if lucky, see some sunshine for a few days. Which will make it a lot healthier for every living thing on this planet. Pretty amazing huh? LOL The temperature has warmed up a touch sitting at -4.4 C | 24.08 F. It’s a lot better than them minus below numbers. Highway 522 is mostly bare this morning, but there are some icy sections throughout. Travelling will be pretty good, but you shouldn’t be going anywhere unless it is necessary. I hope the powers that be has enough sense to keep things locked down for a couple of months more. I know some won’t like it, but it’s the only way we can slow this thing down. Especially since the vaccines are on hold for a couple of weeks. Which is another thing that bothers me to no end, as there is no reason we should have to deal with this. Especially at this time in the game. What we need to do is get busy and okay a few more different vaccines that are reliable, and more importantly, not the ones from China. I am kind of thinking it all boils down to money. The best thing we could and should be doing, is start manufacturing these vaccines right here in Canada, so we are self efficient. And do it now not later!!!! Canada to me is a wimp in many ways, always relying on others. If this isn’t a wake-up call … I don’t know what is. At any rate … that is my Slice of Life for this morning. On another note for the past few days I have been working in the woodworking shop. I did finish up a swing for my lovely wife which we will hang in the spring. Turned out great. I will add a few pictures of it later on today. Now I am going to start working on a couple of stand-up coat racks. Really nice design that my wife designed up years ago. I can’t remember how many of them we sold over the years. But there has been a good number that’s for sure. With that I am off for a bowl of oatmeal and will then get to work. Stay safe my friends, as this virus is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Especially now as it seems that a few people have brought back this other strain of the virus, that infects people a lot faster, into our country. I am wondering what part of staying at home, they don’t understand. Anyways … have a great day.

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