Good Morning!! Well … for a change we are having some sunshine this morning. But it is a touch cool with the temperature sitting at -15.1 C | 4.82 F. Truth be told though, it is still a lot warmer than what we are accustomed to in our area. Especially coming into February. Kinda nice. Highway 522 is partially snow covered with icy sections throughout. Caused by some flurries that we had yesterday and through the night. Nothing much to speak of though, maybe two inches at the most. On another note, yesterday I worked away in the woodworking shop. I have two nice coat trees all set to put together today, that my lovely wife designed years ago. I haven’t made them for a good number of years, so … some thinking was in order. But it is amazing what the mind remembers once you get into the thick of things. I am a firm believer that a person needs to keep the mind working all the time. If you slack off, not so good things begin to happen. And while I am on the subject of the conscious mind, for those that are having a hard time coping with this virus and other things, there is one thing you can do that will bring your mind back to normal so to speak. What would that be? Well … I will tell you, now that you asked. LOL Reading!! If you find a ‘GOOD BOOK‘, or even listen to a‘GOOD BOOK’, the mind is then forced into relaxing and not thinking bad things. It’s simple as that. I found it to work for over 50 years now. If anything is bothering me, I head on off to bed, and pick up a good book … and within minutes the worrying is gone. The conscious mind it seems, can’t dwell on bad things when reading. The good thing is, you won’t need any therapy from these so-called specialists, ‘scoundrels I call them’, that are now trying to capitalize (making money), on peoples weaknesses, which actually aren’t weaknesses at all. At any rate, that is my Slice of Life for this morning. I hope you are all well. Take care my friends, and have a great day, make it a good day. It’s all up to you. No one can do it for you.