Morning Chat Feb. 23/2021

Good Morning! It’s another snowy day here in Port Loring, Ontario. The snow started yesterday morning, and continued on throughout the day. We had around six inches or so yesterday. Through the night there wasn’t any to speak of, but this morning it has started again. So I will wait till it has it out of its system before cleaning things up. However, the temperature has been a lot warmer for the past couple days sitting a-1 C | 30.2 F this morning. Highway 522 is snow covered with a lot of icy sections throughout. So care should be taken if out and about. Yesterday I stayed inside most of the day, only going out to put some wood in my shop stove. I probably will do the same today. With that I am off for my morning bowl of cereal with my lovely wife, and will then work away on another podcast. Take care and stay safe. GW

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