Seniors You Gotta Love Them

The data shows that Canada’s seniors over the age of 85 are among the fastest-growing age groups in the country, marking another milestone on the slow march to what experts warn will be a crisis in care for the country’s elders.

Who Are These Experts. That’s What I Would Like To Know??

Now here again what I feel they are saying is, that us seniors are going to be causing a burden on society down the road a way. The thing is, it doesn’t have to be that way. If our powers that be starts implementing better care for our seniors, and stops spending money foolishly. In doing so … there won’t be an issue. Also, these so-called Powers That Be forget that some day they will be old too. But then again, they are living off the working man’s money.

And one last thing while I am ranting away here on this subject.

It should be noted that technically we are not senior citizens. No Sir! What we really are is Recycled Teenagers.

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