What’s Happening On May 20/2022

Good Morning. It’s a sunny morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. However, we could see a thunderstorm later on today. The reason being it will become quite hot as the day moves forward, which will bring in rain. The long weekend other than Monday isn’t looking all that good weather wise, with more rain in the forecast. In my eyes, we here in Canada should have stayed the same as the USA with the Holiday being next weekend. That way, it would be a bit later when the weather is nicer. And the tourists in the USA would be off work the same time we are. But that is what our government is all about … messing up things.

Highway 522 is still quiet these days, with a lot of folks staying home with the gas prices being so high, along with our economy getting worse every day. We spend billions giving it to other countries when we should be looking after our own here at home. You know … let’s take the USA & Canada if they would take the billions that they are sending over to other countries and put it into, let’s say … finding a cure for cancer … cancer would be a thing of the past within a few years. I don’t for the life of me see what their thinking is. Like the wars and things. It isn’t the people themselves that want war, it is simply a certain number of so-called power hungry, big shots trying to force their beliefs on others. What a shame that is. Makes me sick thinking about it. I can see, in a few years, the people themselves eventually rebelling and getting rid of all governments as they stand today. Might not be in my time as I am getting up there in years, but it is coming, mark my words. People have had enough and when they themselves can’t take any more something is going to happen.

Anyway, that’s my rant for the day. I am going for a cup of coffee. Heck of a way to start the day. Stay safe.

Oh, the blackflies are still with us, but the mosquitoes haven’t made an appearance as yet. Another Parasite we could do without. GW

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