Good Morning!
It’s another cloudy day here in Port Loring. We are also getting some more snow, with it coming down hard at certain times. But in saying that, we didn’t have any more snow overnight other than maybe a 1/4 inch. I would say we have around 4 inches on the ground as of now. We could see another inch or so today. Time will tell. Highway 522 is snow covered in certain areas, along with some icy sections. So care should be taken if out and about. Which is what everyone should be doing anyway, living where we do.
On another note, my wife and I did manage to get our driveway cleaned out yesterday, along with our decks, and we also helped out our neighbour, cleaning off her car and her deck. She is getting up there in years. I am glad we got it cleaned up though, as it was very wet and heavy, and if it had frozen we wouldn’t have been able to move it.
Today I am going to take it easy as I am not feeling all that well once again. Must have overdone it yesterday. So not much I can do other than rest up for a few days. Joys of getting old, I suppose.
With that I am off for a bite to eat, my lovely wife hasn’t decided on what she will feed me as yet. Good woman she is, wouldn’t have made it this far without her.
Stay safe.
In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well!