What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Jan 15/2023

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Good Morning!

Well, it’s another cold morning here in Port Loring. The temperature is below the freezing mark, sitting at -19 C | -2.2 F. It did get colder through the night a couple degrees. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, which will make travelling good. It will also warm up a lot as the day moves forward, and tomorrow will be even warmer. Kinda nice for this time of year. Actually, all next week won’t be all that bad, temperature wise. I would say we have around six inches of snow in total on the ground. More so in drifts, of course.

When in town last week, I did notice that they were fishing out on Lake Nipissing. So the ice must be thick enough. Around here a person should be careful as with all the warm weather we have had, you just never know. Especially if you’re crossing over some fast moving water. It’s very deceiving.

On another note, yesterday I worked in the house here on my podcasts and things, and today will do the same. Too cold out there for my old bones. My lovely wife has been working away on her painting orders, along with the housework that needs to be done. That is a full time job in itself. She is one hard-working woman.

With that, I am off for a bowl of cereal and a piece of homemade toast, and will then see what the day has in store. I never know what might take place. I have always said … plan your day, but never the results. Works for me.

Have a great day.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well!

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