What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Feb 1/2023

Good Morning!

Well, here it is, Feb 1. We finally made it to where we, at the very least, know that spring isn’t all that far off. Which is okay with me. But looking outside, you wouldn’t know it, with all the snow that we have been having for the past few days. And to top that off, we have had some pretty cold temperatures. And by the looks of things we are going to have some really cold temperatures for the next two days and nights. After that, though, the temperature will rise to a touch above the freezing mark, which should get rid of a bit of our snow. So … roller coaster weather is going to be the norm, for the weeks ahead. This morning waking up was much warmer than yesterday with it sitting at -9.9 C | 14.18 F. Highway 522 is snow covered with a lot of icy sections throughout. Not a good day for travelling. For my lovely wife and I we are staying put these days, as both of us isn’t all that well. We aren’t sure what is bugging us, most just feeling nausea. Weird really, been that way for over three weeks. But we are moving around, which is good in part.

On another note, with all the snow we have had for the past two days, I am going to try to clean out our driveway. Other than that, the rest can wait till we feel better.

With that, I am off to have a bite to eat. Not sure what yet. Have a great day and stay safe. GW

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