Good Morning!
It’s a cloud morning here, waking up. We won’t see very much sunshine today. However, it will warm up to well above the freezing mark today. The warmer temperatures will remain with us for the next couple of days. With some more snow thrown in for good measure. After that, we will be back into the deep freeze for the remainder of the month and into March. March will remain cold for the first two weeks, and after that things will trend towards spring. We will see how that pans out. I go by what is taking place in the air masses that lies above us. But hey, I could be wrong, as Mother Nature has its own way of doing things. Maybe we need to rejuvenate one of them weather balloons, that China is sending over us, that we have been shooting down. Or … that is what they are saying they are. Ha Ha. I don’t believe one word they say. But here again that’s only my opinion. Highway 522 is bare this morning, which should make travelling fair for a few hours.
On another note, I did make a run to the dump yesterday, getting rid of a couple of weeks garbage. I like to keep it cleaned up. It also gave me a chance to get out of the house and breath in some of our fresh northern air. Which is what is needed these days.
With that I am off for my breakfast which my lovely wife is going to prepare for me, and we will see after that. She has started to feel better over the past two days. Let’s hope the trend holds. Stay safe. GW