What’s Happening On April 13/2023

How some of us northerners mark obstacles in and around our lakes and rivers. It gets your attention real quick, I grant them that.

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Good Morning!

And it is a good morning, with the sunshine shinning down upon us and the temperature being like summer. And it will get a lot warmer as the day moves forward; and on Saturday it will become downright hot, with the temperature getting up to 82F/26C. Not complaining mind ya! But as I said, early next week things will start to cool back down to where a person will need to wear a jacket once again. And the cool weather will probably remain with us till May. But in saying that we do live in the north, so it is to be expected.

On another note, being so nice and needing a few things, my lovely wife and I decided to go to Powassan, a town that has a large grocery store about an hour from our home. The trip in was very nice weather wise. Today I will see about finishing up some outside work that needs attending, and after that we both might do some front porch sitting, taking in the much-needed sunshine which keeps us humans healthy. There again, our Powers That Be have manipulated our human brains to believe the sunshine is bad for us. At least for a lot of people, but there are a select few that can’t be swayed.

With that, I am off for a bowl of cereal this morning and pieced of toast. Have a great day. GW

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