Good Morning!
It looks like a nice morning here, waking up. We do have a few clouds at the moment, but the sun will return shortly. And it will warm up nicely as the day moves forward. Highway 522 is getting busier and busier every day with tourist and day trippers roaming about.
But Report: The Blackflies are starting to show themselves now and will continue to do so now right up to Father’s Day. My lovely wife’s saying, is you can expect them pesky parasites from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day.
On another note, my wife and I worked in the bush yesterday splitting some old pine logs that has been sitting for the past few years. Now they can dry, and I will be able to use them in my woodworking shop throughout the winter months. We don’t like burning pine in our house furnace, as it creates a lot of creosote, and you have to clean the chimney more than if you’re burning hardwood. And it also burns a lot faster. Now in saying that, there are a lot of folks that does burn it and makes out okay.
With that I am off for a piece of toast and will see what the day has in store, my old back isn’t all that good these days, and my wife is laid up with a sore foot, as the log splitter fell off a block that was holding up the tung, and fell right on the top of her foot. It had to weigh over a hundred pounds. Her foot didn’t look all that good yesterday, let me tell ya. We called the Nursing Station, they were unable to look at it, and said to go to the hospital. So being far away we called 811, and they connected us with someone that told us what to do over the phone and this morning following their instructions it is a lot better. We are lucky to have them to go to for advice. Have a great day. GW