What’s Happening In Cottage Country On May 28/2023

Good Morning!

It looks like another nice day shaping up for us here in Cottage Country. The sun is shinning and things are looking good, at least temperature wise. Waking up it was sitting at 10.4 C | 50.72 F. Nice out there for working at the moment, but it is going to get down right hot as the day moves forward with the temperature getting up to … 30C| 87F. Highway 522 has been busy and will get even busier in the coming days. Lots of campers and tourists starting to move around. And the folks that own cottages are opening them up for summer. Kind of nice seeing new faces for a change.

On another note, we have had a lot of activity around our home for the past two days, with my son Craig and his friend Mike coming for a visit to help my wife and I get some things done that needed doing. The worked like two beavers getting things done up that my lovely wife and I can’t do right now. The only thing left now is to get our veggie garden planted, which we might start early this morning, we will see how that works out as both of us are still hurting.

Also, the roofing company said they will be here on Monday morning, which will be another busy day. SO lots going on in spite of both of us not being able to do much.

Bug Report: The Black Flies are around with a vengeance these days and for those that they like they are biting like crazy. I felt bad for my sons friend as where he was bitten he was swelling up especially around his fingers. I told them to wear gloves and things, along with a net, but they wouldn’t hear of it. Eventually they did, so they learned. The mosquitoes are also annoying, and they will remain with us for a while longer until it gets real hot and the dragon flies make their appearance. They clean them up pretty fast.

With that, I am off for a bowl of cereal and will then see what my body will allow me to do.

Have a great day. GW

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