Good Morning!
It’s a cold morning here, waking up in cottage country. Getting out of bed, the temperature was sitting at 7.9 C | 46.22 F. Last night while walking in from my shop, I felt the stillness of autumn, which means winter’s footsteps aren’t that far off. However, the wind is coming in from the south, the barometer is rising, and the sun is shinning, which all means that we are in for a nice day. Which also means to enjoy the nice weather while you can. And my wife and I are doing just that.
Highway 522 was a bit busy yesterday.
On another note, my wife and I decided to head on into North Bay yesterday, to pick up some supplies which we needed. I have to say that the stores weren’t all that busy. Actually, it was a great day for shopping as we didn’t have to deal with folks getting in our way. Even Home Depot was quiet. I suspect it is because folks are hurting more these days, along with the price of things. When we got up to the checkout at the grocery store, and they told us what it was going to cost us, I swear I heard my wallet whimper and start practicing its escape plan! It’s hard to believe how things has changed in the food department over the years. Oh, and don’t get me started on food trends. One minute, we’re all about kale smoothies and quinoa; the next, it’s all about cricket protein and edible flowers. I’m just waiting for the day when we start eating holographic food because it’s “zero calories” and “gluten-free” in another dimension. And you know, it might just happen with what these scientists are coming up with these days.
Anyway, not much a feller can do other than sit back and enjoy the ride, yea, well … that’s another topic in its self when it comes to transportation. I won’t get into that this morning, Ha ha
In any case, we carried the groceries we had purchased back to our car, feeling somewhat lighter in the wallet. We then decided to have lunch in the comfort of our car while indulging in some people-watching, then we set off for home, soaking in the natural beauty around us, It was a nice day all in all.
With that, you all have a great day. GW