Good Morning!
It’s a cloudy morning starting things off, and we are also having some high winds. It got so bad there through the night it blew my lawn chairs off our deck. Maybe it’s telling me that I need to put them away for winter. However, in saying that we should see some sunshine off and on throughout the day, which will be nice as I do like sunshine. You could say it brightens up my day.
Highway 522 has been a wee bit busy for the past few days, being that it is deer season, with a lot of out-of-towner hunters in our area. One more week left, and it will be over for another year. Although some do hunt with bows, which lasts till December.
On another note I decided to light my old wood stove in the woodworking shop yesterday, and after it warmed up some and had my breakfast I started to work on a small foot stool for under my desk here at my computer. I might have told you that the other day. Anyway, I have it about half done and will complete it today. Once finished, I will take a picture and let you have a look see.
While out in the shop I did set things up, so I could take a video of what I was doing, and I thought things were going along pretty good chatting away to you, that were or would be watching. I even checked to make sure it was recording okay. But then when I went for lunch, I found that the camera stopped as the battery went dead. So … I had to recharge it. So I am not too sure how much I recorded. I will have a look at it later on this afternoon. However, I did set it back up in the afternoon and this time I left the camera plugged in while it was recording, so we will see how that turns out. Once I edit a bit, if necessary, and it looks okay, I will post it on my new YouTube Channel. Again, I will have to see how things look. I am also not sure how the sound will work with me talking and being a fair piece away from the camera. But the good news is I did order a new microphone for it and when it arrives I will see how that works. It should make a world of difference. At any rate, it is a learning process to say the least.
With that I am off for a bowl of oatmeal that my lovely wife is making for me and will then see what the day has in store other than what I have planned.
Have a great day! GW