Lately this labelling of foods has been a big thing, as folks are now suppose to be able to tell what is in the food they are eating. Well let me tell ya, don’t believe everything you read. Example.
Have you noticed all the canned soups now proclaiming “No MSG” on the label? If you look closely, however, many of them are still made with yeast extract, a hidden source of MSG. Autolyzed and hydrolyzed ingredients also contain hidden MSG, so avoid any products made with those. The only way in my eyes for a gal or fellow to eat safe now a days is to grow and cook your own. That’s what my wife and I do and you know, it isn’t that hard. For those that can’t plant a garden, they should then shop for locally grown produce, take it home and then get busy. Simple as that. To much work some say. I say well, how much is your health worth to you? My Opinion Only.
Lots of valuable advice here on this Blog. I will be back.