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Good Morning! You know: If winter was a neighbour, I’d be thinking about putting up a fence.
Starting things off, it’s a cloudy old morning here in Cottage Country, and the snowflakes are dancing around as I sit here tappin’ away on the keys. So far, it ain’t amounted to much, but if it keeps up like this, we might just have a little extra shovelling to do come tomorrow morning. Guess we’ll see what Mother Nature’s got in store for us.
Now, for the weather forecast for Port Loring, Ontario:
Today: Cloudy with scattered snow flurries. Not much accumulation expected, but don’t be surprised if the ground gets a fresh dusting. Highs around 30°F (-1°C).
Tonight: The clouds are stickin’ around, with a few more flurries drifting through. Lows near 21°F (-6°C).
Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy, with a few peeks of sun trying to break through. Still a chance of a stray flurry, but nothing too serious. Highs reaching 28°F (-2°C).
Sounds like a good day to keep the wood-stove cracklin’ and a hot drink close by. Stay warm!
Note: You’ll notice I put Fahrenheit first before Celsius. Why? Well, I reckon the old ways still work just fine for me. Grew up with Fahrenheit, and by the time Celsius came along, I was already set in my ways. Besides, keeps folks on their toes—gives ’em a little brain exercise convertin’ if they need to!
Highway 522 is snow-covered this morning, which means travel ain’t gonna be the greatest—at least for a spell. But the thing about weather is, you never really know for sure. Now I may have some high-tech weather gadgets set up, thanks to my son Karl—he’s the techie of the family—but I still like to trust what nature’s tellin’ me. You step outside, take a whiff of the air, and watch the critters; they’ve got their own way of giving’ the forecast. If the squirrels are scurrying, you can bet snow’s on the way. And if the crows/ravens are hollering, something’s brewing. It’s a good mix of tech and tradition—keeps me on my toes, and I like to think it makes me a bit of an expert… well, at least in my own neck of the woods!
Well, yesterday I was all set to spend the day workin’ on those flutes in my old woodworking shop, but then I got a call from my son, Karl. He tells me my new computer’s all set up—just needs to have the stuff transferred from my old one. So, we gathered up what we needed and headed into North Bay. I’ll tell ya, that new computer sure is something. It wasn’t exactly cheap, but with all the high-tech gadgets and gizmos my son packed into it, I reckon it’ll work wonders. Karl’s the kind of guy who can pour his expertise into anything, and let’s just say he’s made sure his dad’s got the best setup possible. You could call it “Karl-proofed,” since he’s a Linux guy, and I’ll admit, I’m still gettin’ the hang of all that Linux business, but after thirty years or so of using it, I’m startin’ to get comfortable. Slowly, but surely, right? Ha.
Once we had everything transferred over, Karl added some new editing tools that’ll make my YouTube video work easier, plus a new free word processor called LibreOffice. It’s a handy thing, especially since it’s open-source and has millions of folks chipping in to make it better. Should do wonders for all my story writing, and it’s hard to beat free.
After all that tech stuff was in place, my wife and I treated Karl to lunch at Casey’s—one of our favourite spots in town. We had a good meal, a nice chat, and picked up some groceries, along with a cup of coffee before heading back home. All in all, it was a good day, though I’ll tell ya, we were both worn out by the time we got home.
What’ll you be up to today, GW? Well, I’ll be setting up that new computer, of course. Should be an interesting project—that is, if I can get all these wires plugged in the right spots. It’s like a puzzle, and I’m fairly certain I’ll end up with one extra cord with nowhere to go! But hey, I’ve got Karl just a phone call away, so I’m covered… I hope!
So, with that, I’m off to enjoy my morning breakfast, which my lovely wife has once again whipped up for me. After that, we’ll have our chat over a warm cup of hot cocoa, and then it’s time to dive into this new computer setup. We’ll see how that goes!
Now you’ve got the rest of the story.’ Or at least, part of it! You all have a great day, and remember;
Until next time—keep your minds open and your stories alive!” GW