Happenings In & Around Port Loring Ontario

Good Morning:  Starting off our day here in Port Loring is looking quite nice.  Sun is shinning and temperatures waking up were sitting at 2.4 C | 36.32 F.

Forecast For Today: It will warm up as the day progresses.  We could see a high of18 C / 64 F.  Will even be warmer tomorrow.  There is a chance of a shower later on in the day.

Highway Report:  Highway 522, 11, 69 are bare and dry.  Travelling will be good.

Around Town:  Lots happening in the way of Nature.  Grass is greening up, buds are starting to form on the trees, frost is about all but gone, birds are back from the sunny south, flowers are starting to show themselves and best of all things are warming up.  Great time of year to say the least.  Makes a person feel alive with all things around them being brought forth, new, fresh and loaded with enticement.  With that I am heading off for my morning tea.  Fresh dandelion tea is on the menu this morning.  Will dig one up, my lovely wife will clean it up and put it in a cup of hot boiling water for five minutes or so and then see where the day takes me.  Enjoy your day my friends, make it a good one.  You can reach George Walters at [email protected]

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