Good Morning

Another really nice day shaping up for us here in Port Loring Ontario Canada. All I can say is. “It’s about time.” The Black Flies and Mosquitoes are still annoying but the Black Flies are slowly leaving us. Yesterday while mowing the Dragon Flies were out in numbers. I made them I deal. I will stir the Black Flies up and you, Dragon Flies eat them. They liked the idea and were swarming around my head making a meal out of them. Great to see them here again. Last year there weren’t very many, but this year they are in abundance. If there was one insect that we should protect, it would be them. They eat more mosquitoes and black flies than any other thing on earth. And they don’t hurt humans. They actually like us and in some cases will even land on your hand or shoulder for a visit. Temperatures waking up were sitting at 13.6 C | 56.48 F and will warm up even further as the day progresses. Going to be great day. With that I am off for my morning coffee and will see what the day has in store for my lovely wife and I. GW

They are the good guys!